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  • Kimbre Christopher

Thoughts Are Awakening

Hello! The sun is shining today. The birds are singing. Spring is right around the corner! "Move Differently to Think Differently" was a quote that closely resembled a thought that was shared at our recent marketing event: Shift focus. Shift results. The first has to do more with physical movement. When we are walking out in nature, many things are happening at once. For the most part, we don't have to focus solely on the act of walking, so our brains are allowed to take in our surroundings, the sounds we are hearing and the smells in the air. We take notice of how landscapes are changing with each season.

It is interesting that walking is a way to detach ourselves from certain external distractions, yet it connects us more with our thoughts. Maybe thoughts have been in hibernation over the winter months and being able to be out in the open fresh air will bring them out of hiding. "When you move your legs, you move your mind," (Grant Faulkner). Your words are intertwined with your steps. So, if your words are stuck, make the decision to shift your focus: get up and move. It will shift results and the words will start flowing again.


We are excited to be celebrating National Poetry Month in April with a poetry contest. Make sure to sign up and take a look at the guidelines. Your next step is to go on a walk and get the creative juices flowing so you can send us your best submission!

We will also be offering a one-day writing retreat at the old Huston School near Homedale on April 20th. Tickets can be found by clicking on the Events tab at This event offers a wonderful opportunity to step away from the distractions of home and focus on your writing. It is a great time to have discussions with other writers and find encouragement for any challenges you may be facing.

Enjoy the beginning of a new season!

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