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Dragon Gilby and Jamie Deer

Author: Mary Vine  Illustrator: Kaylynne Dowling


Dragon Gilby spread his wings and glided down the mountain and into a meadow where he met his friend, a red deer named Jamie. Two boys, George, and Bob, happened by and said Jamie Deer had funny, skinny legs. Their laughter filled Jamie with shame and the dragon didn’t know how to make her feel better, so he went to find his friend, Preacher Max.

Preacher Max tells Gilby, Jamie, and the two boys, about the unique qualities of the red deer’s legs and feet and how we are all wonderfully made by God. We are all special no matter what size we are, and kindness can make anyone beautiful, because kindness is the opposite of being mean.

Dragon Gilby and Jamie Deer

  • 24 Pages

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