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  • Kimbre Christopher

December 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

There are so many wonderful things that happened this year in the writing community and we want to thank you for being a part of a great year. We are so lucky to have been able to make new connection and grow our existing relationships with you.

We are excited for 2024 and what it will bring to our community. It is our hope that we can continue to encourage and educate you in this upcoming year. The ICAN Directors have put together a preview calendar of our upcoming events.

Keep your eyes open as we create event links. We don't want anyone to miss an opportunity to network and grow in their craft.

Dedicate January 6th to your writing and start the new year off "write" with our Virtual Writing Retreat.

If you didn't notice, we have added two new events to our calendar. First, is an Online Book Sale. This sale will be similar to the we did a few years ago during the pandemic. Authors will pay a small fee for them and their books to be showcased and promoted by ICAN on February 24th. *Deadline for submissions is January 28th.*

By popular demand, the ICAN Directors will be hosting a half-day Marketing Workshop on March 9, 2024 at the White Opal in New Plymouth.

Coffee Chat:

Join the ICAN Directors for (no host) Coffee Chats throughout the year. During this meet-ups we network with other writers and learn from each other's journeys. These one-hour meetings can be just the encouragement you need.

February 9th at 10am Sunrise Cafe - Caldwell

May 18th at 10am Flying M - Nampa

June 7th at 10am Indian Creek Plaza - Caldwell

August 24th at 10am Alchemist - Boise

September 20th at 10am Indian Creek Plaza - Caldwell

November 16th at 10am Sunrise Cafe - Caldwell


If you released a new book (or a new format of a previously released book) during the last three months, please provide the following information within the body of an email and email it to our ICAN director Mary Vinecore at:

ICAN will announce your book release on the Idaho Creative Authors Network Facebook page every two months. We look forward to helping you get the word out and celebrating your book.

Book Title:

Book Genre:

Format available (print, E-book, audio, other):

Link to Purchase:

Short description (limit 100 words):

Where can the author be found online (please provide links):

Please also attach a .jpg file of your book’s FRONT cover.

Oh, and new releases will be posted soon!

From Mary's Desk:

A writer’s goal is to write and usually, if we’re dedicated, we carve out a little space of time to do so. Thanksgiving dinner is now over and as we eat our holiday cookies, candies, treats, and Christmas dinner, let’s think about adding some exercise to your writing schedule.

Here is a humorous and serious slant on the exercising writer (me):

My goal this fall is not to fall. I did fall recently−over my dog. Why is it when you fall when you are older, your brain tells you you’re falling but it doesn't do anything about it? When I was younger, I’d at least stick a hand out to help brace myself against a fall.

Thankfully, my dog didn’t get hurt and I didn’t break anything. I suffered a black eye. Yet, I didn’t have to wear makeup as the “eye” was all anyone looked at. My husband thought he’d be blamed for it, poor guy. And a friend asked if my dog was a boxer.

At my last wellness doctor appointment (before my fall), my doctor said my weight was okay, but I need to start exercising. I must have joked about it, or said no or something, because she raised her voice at me. First time ever.

I exercised when I was younger, using various machines I could fit into my home. I wasn’t always good about getting it done, but at least I didn’t forget I’d planned to exercise on a specific day without needing a reminder. Now, I must write it down, but often at bedtime, I recall that I’d forgotten to exercise. Yes, I wrote it in my calendar, but I forgot to look at my calendar. I suppose I could move my fitness machine where I could see it, but then I might fall over it.

Now that I’m older I realized I’d had it wrong about exercising. I exercised to improve my waistline, which back then was just fine. Young people are so critical of their bodies, but that is another blogpost. Anyway, now I need to exercise for a stronger body, especially stronger legs.

Yet, this morning I read a Facebook post that seemed serious at the beginning but turned out to be humorous. It stated that if you exercise you will live longer. At age 85 you will have five more months to live in a nursing home. And then, he said his father walked five miles a day and now at age 92 he can’t find him.

As I write I am stationary, which doesn’t help accrue daily steps. But then on second thought, if I wasn’t a writer, I’d probably be stationary as well. I have deserted an office and a writing desk to sit in my very comfortable recliner as I write on my laptop. Why not be comfortable as I write?

No one is going to get me to write anywhere else, I tell you. I even have a recliner in my summer cabin. So, this fall’s strengthening program is going to be a goal I will have to work hard at. At least I can read while I sit on my incumbent exercise bike.

Hats off to all you writers who do get exercise, I admire you. I plan to be one of you soon. Uh…next week.

Update: I just saw a woman using a walker, walking her dog. I no longer have an excuse.

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